Sunday, April 14, 2019

Honestly now I think I'm fed up with fiddley bits

Well maybe not quite yet but it sure feels like it's getting there. Sorry no pictures this time left the phone/camera in the truck and didn't really feel like photographing anything. I didn't really seem to want to be there this last time (was actually Wednesday this week). I couldn't really concentrate and decide what to do while there. I actually started to put together the building frame, even though I'm nowhere near ready for it, and then when I got home realized that I used the wrong measurements to do it. So now the next time I go back I've got to take it all apart and redo it using the correct dimensions. The spacing for the bottom braces are different from the station (frames/bulkheads). And you guessed it I used the frame spacing instead of the bottom braces. It will come apart very hard and may well not be reusable, as I ran out of coated deck screws (which can be unscrewed easily) I filled in with coated (glued, which don't come out so easily) sinkers as they are called in the framing game. Also sometimes known as green toe nails to the new guy on the crew. ("Hey newbie, bring me a box of green toe nails! Yeah, they're right next to the board stretcher!") My son heard a lot of that stuff when he used to frame houses years ago.

I guess this is just a slump of sorts and hope it doesn't last too long. So I've gone to Off Center Harbor to watch some boat building videos to help jump start me again to get going on MY boat. Trouble is the Caledonia Yawl that Geoff Kerr keeps building is beginning to look really good. And construction "looks" to be a lot simpler. Of course it's a different style boat, open double ended, bigger too! It's amazing to watch him lift the completed hull off the building frame by himself, 200 lbs approx. weight, to flip it over.

However in all the videos of Caledonia and Ness yawls and Navigators, the Navigators seem to sail more upright in similar winds. Not that I'm saying that the other boats don't or can't sail upright it's just that I see those heeled more frequently and the skipper and/or crew hiking out more than the skipper and/or crew of Navigators. I guess those pretty lines of Iain Oughtred's are very captivating. I sure would like to see more videos of Navigators either sailing in company with other Navigators or just see them from other boats to watch them sail in the same conditions. Of course it wouldn't hurt to have Geoff Kerr build a John Welsford Navigator for an Off Center Harbor video series.

Just saying, until next time,


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