Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Back at it again!

Well as the title supposes, I'm back at it again. Working on building the parts and pieces to assemble a John Welsford Navigator. Just in case that last bout with doubt had given you cause to wonder if I had given up or was ready to through in the towel and try another plan. I must admit Mr. Oughtred's designs are quite alluring. But no, I have not succumbed to the siren call of another boat.

I have though, gone completely off the rails so to speak, and actually worked on the building frame. I am nowhere near ready for that and now that it's up I have nowhere to put it that is under cover and out of the weather until there is room for it in the garage! So it stays right where it is for now.
Building frame.
Since it was such a nice day, I decided to use it as an alternative work station. So I jumped on to the stem and doublers to ready them for gluing.
Stem doublers clamped together without the center section for work.
Close up of just the doublers and the beveled landing for the stringers.
Now with the center piece between the doublers.
Long shot all three pieces dry assembled.
And just for effect, a head on view.
I don't know if you can see the stringer landings very well but here is the stem with temporary screws to hold it together ready for gluing.
Well there's that four letter word, glue! I'm not really sure I am quite ready for gluing but I guess I have to start sooner or later. This will be my very first foray into the world of epoxy. Wish me luck, I guess.

Until next time,


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