Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Whew !! It missed us !!

Well how do you like that ? I don't mind saying, I like it just fine. For all the talk and first and second guessing, in the end hurricane Irma went where she wanted to go and we had no say in the matter. Although I am glad the we, here in Panama City, just barely caught the western edge of the storm, I feel terrible that the rest of the state wasn't so fortunate. I am relieved that there wasn't much loss of life, just property damage.  If people had not been so co-operative and obeyed the evacuation orders, there could have been an extremely high death toll. All those numbers and commentary can be found online and in local and national news stories, you didn't come here to find out about any old hurricane.

So after breathing a sigh of relief and thanking GOD that we only had a couple hours of light to medium rain and a few hours of light to moderate winds with gusts of only about 30 - 35 mph, it's time to start the clean up. We lost a few small branches but mostly it was leaves, lots of leaves, that needed to be raked up and put out in the street for the yard waste pickup tomorrow. Then it was time to mow the lawn as I had put it off until now anyway. Don't forget to blow off the sidewalk and driveway, there, all done. Whew, I'm whooped. Time to go inside and get some of that water we had bought in case we lost power and had to go into survival mode. At least we won't need as much groceries this week as we normally would. The best part of this whole business is that all the supplies we stacked up in the kitchen are the same that we would use anyway so they won't need buying again. That is unless there is another hurricane around the corner. Which I don't believe there is so now we just sit back and hang out studying our Navigator plans until we can start buying some plywood and lumber.

So til then, 


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