Saturday, September 2, 2017

In case you were wondering.........

This isn't the beginning of this blog page. Oh yes it has begun but it "actually" started back in the summer of 2016, with our move from Colorado Springs back to Florida for the fourth time. We do like Florida, my wife and I that is. So with that move I had decided that this time I was going to build the boat of my dreams, John Welsford's NAVIGATOR. I have gone round and round first a Navigator then a PATHFINDER, also one of John's designs, then back to the Navigator, then Pathfinder and etc. for a very long time. Years actually, and even off into other designers and other designs but kept coming back to a Navigator. You really want to know how crazy this got? I even allowed my oldest son to talk me into buying a used production sailboat that needed work as a means to "get on the water faster". That boat was a 1982 Catalina C22, a good design and sailor, very popular and plentiful to find but in the end it wasn't "built " by me and it wasn't a Navigator. So I donated it to the local marine institute for troubled kids after spending more than what I originally paid for it buying most of the necessary pieces and parts to fix it. This happened just this past July, then looking at my blog page and thinking "what a mess I am making out of this blog business". Only one thing to do and that is to wipe it all out and "start again"! So I did.

So messed up was I that I had restarted this blog with the decision to build yet a different boat!! Then reading an email from someone who had built one already, he mentioned that he was looking at some designs for a "retirement boat" to build when he had plenty of time and no place special to go. I said to myself, "Hey! I'm retired with plenty of time and no place special to go, and I want to build a boat, so why not finally build that Navigator I've always wanted to build?" Well I couldn't give myself a good enough reason for not building it so here we go again, whadayathink I came up with? That's right, I'm going to build the Navigator, and I've ordered the plans already and they should be here by Tuesday the day after Labor Day.

All that stuff in the first post about Michalak's Ladybug, as they say in Brooklyn, fagetaboutit. The journey to the realization of a lifelong desire is under way.


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