So on with it already!
This will all take place at my son's place in their back garage of humble means for a humble, supposed boatbuilder. So here's my humble boat shop.
It's about the size of a one car garage and there is also the back yard
where I have set up my ever temporary saw mill with sawdust collection

There is a fire pit back there too so all my scraps at the end won't go to waste. I've also inherited that very large pile of 2x4's for use if they will pass inspection. So far some of them have become sawhorses.
I've gotten started by marking out and cutting the aft frames for the starboard side. Just rough cut at this point so they will need triming down to the line next. Then just flop them over and mark out the port side frames.
John Welsford has a very good set of plans. These are for "my" Navigator. |
Drawn in one piece instead of two pieces. | |
Frame #5, 6, 7, 8 still needing trimming |
Rough cut and needing much care and trimming. I will tackle that probably at the next outing. It only used up half of one sheet of 3/8" sanded BCX ply. The other half will be used to create the matching frames.
While I still had the desire to get something done, I started laying out some lumber for the centerboard.
Longleaf yellow pine, very hard and heavy, mixed with regular pine. |
I am intending to purchase some Douglas fir for the mast and spars it'll just have to wait for finances to be available. I plan on doing as much as I can whenever I can and there is materials on hand. I have plans, epoxy and some lumber and plywood, so let's begin.
Still visible in the background is debris left over from Hurricane Michael and the roofers who only just a couple of days ago finished putting on the roof of my son and daughter in law's house. Not bad it only took four months from the day after the storm to get done. Still many houses with blue tarps for roofs. It's not the materials that is the problem it is getting the workers. There are so many damaged homes and only a few companies to serve them. Still many out of state companies here to help but it will take a very long time yet.
Until next time,